Honesty is Dead?


As defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, honesty is the quality of being fair and truthful: the quality of being honest.

I found this definition absorbing and would like to share it with my small but promising follower group.

Fairness? Truthfulness? Does it even exist? I decided to jump into a would unknown to most and pick apart what it means to be truthful (Brace yourself, people, this is about to become personal).

I have met people from all walks of life, in all different colors, genders, and nationalities, but the one thing that connects all these people is they lie. PEOPLE LIE and they do not care; they feel no remorse and if telling the truth will make them look slightly negative they will not do it.

Throughout life, you will encounter many of these people; blood sucking, bottom feeders who live off of the poor innocent creatures of planet earth, use them and devour them for their own good. I have had a wall up to these people (no reference to Trump, just a wall of my own), and it has built up over time and now stands tall in my subconscious. I see right through people’s lies, and I know every lie in the book trust me, I told you I have seen it all.

Trying to find the good in people has always been a challenge for me. My mind is like a foreign government; everyone is guilty until proven innocent. It is honestly a struggle; it has hindered my ability to make friends which are something I have always desired. I am extremely quick to judge which I wish I could also change, and I have been working on. TGFC (thank God for college), it has abled me to start over.

In the end, I hope you will encounter people who are honest and people who deserve you because you are probably amazing and beautiful and killing it at the game of life and I wish the world for you. Be a light to others, show them how people are supposed to be treated (not throwing a fist at their face because the ate the last kit kat, even though they for sure deserve it “haha just kidding”). KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS instead.

Easy to say, Mak, I know, but find a good balance of right and wrong within you and focus on yourself and your dreams because there is always going to be those people who do not treasure you the way you deserve. Those people do not deserve you and DO NOT let them tear you down with all of the lies and unfairness; you will prevail.

P.S. this is my first post so please don’t tell me if you completely hate it because I will cry and then you will just be stuck reading horribly written sad posts, thanks  :’-)

-Mak ❤